Smart dispensers and AI voicebot for correct medication can be a game changer in elderly care

CZ  | EN
6. 6. 2023
Reading time: 1 min.

We are working on developing a smart medication dispenser and an AI phone voicebot that have the potential to revolutionize the elderly care system by enhancing their self-sufficiency and enabling them to stay in the comfort of their homes and take care of themselves for longer periods. We will make life easier not only for seniors, but also for their families, social workers, and save a significant amount of money from the government budget. We have an excellent team, experts, finances, experience and knowledge – in short, all the prerequisites to address this problem and bring about system change.

Misuse of medication affects approximately half a million people in the Czech Republic and it particularly impacts individuals with early-stage mental illnesses such as Alzheimer’s or dementia. That’s why we have focused on this group of seniors, aiming to design a solution that can monitor the correct medication without relying solely on social services, while also providing additional follow-up services. Our project also strives to achieve real systemic change. The success of the solution will depend on its adoption by social services and support from insurance companies.

Why we are solving it or where the problem lies

Mismedication affects approximately half a million people in the Czech Republic, and this number is expected to grow due to demographic trends. Improper use of medication leads to a rapid decline in the quality of life for the elderly, deteriorating their health and resulting in unnecessary hospitalizations or visits to outpatient clinics, loss of independence, and premature death. This places a heavy burden on families caring for the elderly, strains the social and healthcare systems, and significantly increases the costs of their care.

Where we have come and where we are heading

That’s why we started to tackle the idea of a smart medication dispenser that could ideally serve as a reminder, dose accurately, and monitor whether the patient took the medication correctly. Over the course of six months, with the financial support and expertise of Zentiva, we developed this idea into a concept. We found that finding a solution was like discovering the Holy Grail in addressing one of the most most pressing issues in Czech healthcare.

Currently, we are in the incubation phase, exploring not only the capabilities and appearance of a smart medication dispenser but also utilizing artificial intelligence to provide telephone-based medication reminders. The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs expressed interest in the idea and its potential impact, leading to EU support for this phase through Call 21 from the Social Innovation Projects Unit of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. And thanks to that, we have secured the involvement of excellent collaborators.

In addition to Zentiva, we have invited industrial designer Ivan Dlabač to contribute his expertise in designing a customized dispenser, Jan Vojvodík, Arbo de Vivo methodologist and social services expert, and artificial intelligence experts from Telma AI, a part of the MAMA AI group, to help create a smart voice bot for the aforementioned telephone communication.

We are at the beginning, but we already know that the potential is enormous. So, keep your fingers crossed for us, this really makes sense.

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