How to clear the name of biofuels and find other ways to use them by Envien

Reading time: 1 min.

Envien Group, a major CEE producer of biodiesel and bioethanol, was looking for new opportunities for the use of high-shift biofuels (VSBP), which are now supplied in the Czech Republic and Slovakia only as a few percent admixture to diesel and gasoline. Biofuels are a renewable resource whose price and cost of use exceed fossil alternatives. That relatively high price and myths about them are nowadays the main obstacle to their marketing. Thus, we decided to explore the topic abroad, where the support of biofuels is at an advanced level, and interviewed dozens of regulators, trade unions, researchers, but also car manufacturers, drivers and politicians.

Myths versus Facts

We have confirmed that biofuels are much more widely used beyond our borders and play an important role in renewable energy and transportation goals in many countries. At the same time, it turned out that many of Czech and Slovak politicians have prejudices stemming from a misunderstanding of the issue. The HCD helped us identify concerns and objections to biofuels. We conducted a series of interviews with key politicians and government officials to clarify the opportunity presented by the CSDP to meet national targets for RES in transport. 

Ready to ride

After our discussions, the representatives began to show a surprising interest in the possibility of using VSBP as a means to meet the objectives of RES in transport and the willingness to support the necessary legislative changes. In the meantime, we verified that the motoring public is also ready to use biofuels to a much greater extent than would appear from the usually negative media image of biofuels in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

About Envien

Envien Group is one of the largest and most significant groups of companies in the CEE region active in the production of biofuels, used in mixtures with conventional diesel and gasoline.